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The Nervous System Integration Facilitator Certification Program

The certification program that will transform YOUR life in profound and lasting ways AND give you the science-based framework to finally STOP DABBLING in nervous system work and start supporting deeper change in your clients, teams, and business.

Talk to Chantill + Anne to explore how the NSIF Program can impact your life + your career.

When your clients meet your effective, research-based strategies with resistance, drag their feet, procrastinate on their homework, and then don’t get the results they are looking for…

…it can feel disheartening, frustrating, and defeating.

But here’s the thing: it’s actually not their fault.

When your clients struggle to change their habits or reach their goals, it’s not because they lack motivation or they’re “not coachable.” (Although this is often how we make sense of their resistance or inability to change.)

It’s because their nervous systems are dysregulated and change is impossible in that state.

And, although you might dabble in nervous system work, the truth is you likely don't have a tested and clear framework to follow to effectively apply...


nervous system facilitation skills that change behavior.

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Two women walking in a library

Whether your clients hire you because they want to…

  • Heal their back pain

  • Declutter their basement

  • Perform better in meetings

  • Get their finances under control

  • Improve their nutrition or

  • Navigate change and transition


...when you know how to help them regulate their own nervous systems IN THE FACE of these old patterns, you can help them move through their resistance, negative stories, and procrastination, and actually USE the valuable tools and strategies you’re teaching them.

And that's EXACTLY what we'll train you how to do in...

The Nervous System Integration Facilitator Certification Program!

What Sets This Program Apart

One: Excellence + Efficacy

Our goal is to bring into practice a codified approach to facilitating NS work that is accessible, locally and globally impactful, contextually versatile, and can be easily built upon or adapted to varied personal, professional, and clinical environments.


This program will cultivate facilitators who are comprehensively trained in the science and most recent theories of the Autonomic Nervous System and Polyvagal Theory, have undergone extensive practical application and have a system to follow that will set the precedent for others.

Two: Processes + Outcomes

This program carves a path for the emerging work of nervous system facilitation in a high-level community that values discourse, inquiry, feedback, exploration and challenging common assumptions.


This community is made up of individuals who are comfortable with not having all the answers AND who are dedicated to FINDING them through collaboration and problem-solving.

Over the course of this research-based + whole-person oriented Certification program, you’ll learn How to:

  • Listen to, understand, and interpret your unique nervous system responses and build a compassionate and powerful relationship with your physiology that can and will reduce stress, support emotional stability, increase your capacity for handling complexity and expand joy

  • Facilitate nervous system awareness and regulation through a clear + succinct framework of tools + practices in group + one-on-one containers across ANY domain: business, health + wellness, movement, organizational development, leadership and more

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  • Integrate nervous system science + straight forward Polyvagal-informed strategies into every aspect what you currently teach, run, lead, manage, or are building and creating

  • Explicitly position Nervous System Integration Facilitation as a part of the work you do to support profound and lasting behavior change and support your clients in times of change, transition and growth

  • Dig deeper into your own unique nervous system responses and build a stronger, more resilient nervous system that can experience more ease, peace and joy in every situation personal or professional

  • Understand the science behind the autonomic nervous system and Polyvagal Theory and apply findings from the latest research to your work

  • Be a part of a cohesive, structured, and deeply supportive community that intentionally co-regulates and creates containers of psychological safety

Real Life Impact

Tami Lysher
Studio T Pilates

Tami is a highly accomplished educator who specializes in early childhood development and education, the impacts of trauma, and trauma-informed movement practices.


When she joined The Nervous System Integration Facilitator Certification Program, Tami was preparing to build a 10-week course on trauma-informed movement for yoga and Pilates teachers. She wanted to fill a gap in her curriculum and better support teachers in working with their clients’ trauma within their scope of practice as movement teachers.


We are so proud of the curriculum that Tami created!


Within the curriculum, she teaches movement teachers how to use nervous system work to help their clients regulate before and while they engage in movement that might feel challenging or triggering, so that they can get better and longer-lasting results.


Tabitha Green
Tall Tree Pilates

After studying the nervous system work with us, Tabitha now incorporates it to help folks living with chronic illness ease pain, get more active, and live fulfilling lives.


She integrates nervous system education with her skills as a movement teacher to help her clients develop movement practices that build strength while avoiding a push-crash cycle.


Tabitha teaches online, and offers a 21-Day Gentle Start Workout Challenge and a 12-Week Gentle Movement Program, and she’s working on a Gentle Lifestyle Membership which will launch in 2024.

Alicia Gyetvai
PilatesBodies Santa Fe

Alicia added a new offering to her Pilates business after working with us: Persistent Pain Education.


As a studio owner and Pilates teacher, Alicia has supported her clients in reducing pain for a long time.


But because nervous system dysregulation has been found to exacerbate many chronic neuroplastic conditions including back pain, neck pain, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), migraines, fibromyalgia and more, she knew she needed to study the nervous system to expand her work.


Now, Alicia combines her nervous system facilitation skills, and her chronic pain education with her biomechanical work as a movement teacher to support her clients in reducing or ending persistent pain.

Three Levels. 12 months.
1 certification.

A Life + a world Changed forever.

Level 1: A Powerful Beginning

Level One: Own The Work!​


Level 1 of NSIF can stand on its own as a solid foundation in nervous system integration work, or it can be the gateway to the full NSIF program - a three-part, year-long comprehensive certification program.

From NS Dabbler to Nervous System Practitioner

In Level 1, you will take the first steps to evolve your work from NS dabbler to fully invested (and committed) NS practitioner within your life and how you relate to, and navigate, your professional endeavors.


You will learn how to talk about and share it as a part of what makes your work and the containers for change you create unique. 

You will begin to explore opportunities to deepen the work with your clients, students, and community by leveraging specific processes, assessments, intakes, and pathways toward autonomy and resilience in the learning/change environment that you work in.


In Level 1, your priorities will be to...


  • Gain a foundational grasp on the science and theories underlying the NS work and the NSIF approach 

  • Familiarize yourself with and create your own unique NS map

  • Establish a consistent practice

  • Begin sharing the work with your clients and students




>> Our next cohort begins October 5th! <<

Book a clarity Call to learn about the full program


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“The practices have helped me to become more fully aware of my nervous system and to create a greater capacity to manage times of stress, to turn toward discomfort and have more capacity to be present with it.


I feel like a calmer and more settled person.


I'm able to be more present in joy and to really feel that in my body...because I have more bandwidth to feel the fullness of beautiful things, too. 


I'm also able to hold a larger and more stable container for my clients in our coaching work.


I'm looking forward to bringing more of the tools to support my clients in their own personal and professional transformations."

Gina Pelucca, NSIF Level 2 Graduate,

Organizational Development Consultant and

Executive Coach

Here’s how we’ll support you within the training container:

  • A powerful, safe, inclusive, confidential culture in which to have diverse discourse, dialogue, to creative problem-solve, and heal your nervous system while learning the tools to help others heal theirs

  • Access to cutting edge science and practices that make this emergent work accessible and measurable for anyone in any space

  • Completion of a Case Study documenting your approach, successes and challenges in applying the framework to your unique area of expertise

  • Completion of an Integration Project that will support you in preparing for the real-life application of your NSI Facilitation work into what you already do so you can make a bigger impact and IMMEDIATELY increase your earning potential

  • 1 year access to the Nervous System Integration Facilitator online curriculum (when you enroll in the full program)

  • Biweekly group meetings during each level

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  • Access to daily coaching via our group Voxer thread, where you can share your questions, challenges and wins via voice or text message for the entire year of the program

  • Thorough feedback on documented NS Integration Facilitation Sessions 


Anne Bishop

Chantill Lopez

With more than a combined 20+ years in brain-based education + nervous system-based behavior change...

Chantill holds a degree in Journalism and Creative Writing and has studied with and/or is certified by: 

  • Deb Dana, Creator of Rhythm of Regulation and Author of many books on the nervous system including "Anchored"

  • Dr. Stephen Porges, creator of the Polyvagal Theory

  • Michael Allison, Creator of the PlayZone - A Polyvagal-driven coaching certificate program

  • The Polyvagal Institute

  • Rhythm of Regulation 

  • The Neuroleadership Institute as a Brain Based Coach

Anne holds a Master's Degree from Harvard School of Education in Brain, Mind, Education and has studied with and/or is certified by:


  • Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) as a Universal Design for Learning Educator 

  • The Neuroleadership Institute as a Brain Based Coach

Both Chantill and Anne hold certifications from dozens of somatic, healing, educational, and business institutions and have compiled tens of thousands of hours in study and practice in these fields. 

Meet Your Facilitators

We're Anne Bishop and Chantill Lopez, co-founders of The Embodied Business Institute.


We are business and educational design experts, embodied entrepreneurs and Brain-based and Polyvagal-informed coaches together with more than 40  years of experience building transformative and hybrid business ecosystems that make money AND meaning.


Since 2016, we've been supporting experts and leaders in designing profitable online, hybrid, and in-person courses, comprehensive trainings and mentorships, and transformative coaching containers as well as facilitating lasting behavior change through Brain-Based Coaching and healing the nervous system.


We help growth-minded entrepreneurs, leaders, and educators -- dedicated to creating change for themselves and their clients -- leverage the latest research on brain-based learning, motivation science, and the nervous system to build more powerful and sustainable businesses based on transformation inside and out... making MONEY and MEANING with ease is possible at every stage of the game.


"Doing the NSIF program has been life-changing for me, both personally and in my relationships. Before diving into this journey, I never fully grasped the profound impact our nervous system has on our interactions and well-being.

One of the most profound realizations has been the recognition of the interplay between my emotions, physical sensations, and nervous system state. I've learned to tune in more deeply to the subtle cues and signals my body sends, a level of awareness I never thought possible.

By shifting my own nervous system state, I've created an environment conducive to mutual understanding and growth. My interactions with others, including my clients, are now infused with a deeper sense of empathy, compassion, and connection, fostering a stronger bond between us.

I'm eager to facilitate and guide individuals in cultivating a similar awareness and compassion within themselves, empowering them to navigate life's challenges with greater resilience, authenticity, and grace.

Angelica Palomo, Pilates Teacher and NSIF Level 2 Graduate

The Investment + The Return

The nervous system skills you’ll learn in The Nervous System Integration Facilitator Certification Program are the key to changing your OWN habits and behaviors, as well as holding space for change in your students, clients, and patients.


That’s why we consider them CRITICAL to every human interaction especially if it's your desire to support other humans in undergoing positive and longterm transformation!


  • By the end of Level 1, you will have the tools to build a regular nervous system practice that can support you in FINALLY making the changes you’ve been wanting to make in your career, your relationships, and your physical and mental health.

  • By the end of Level 2, you will be able to leverage your intellectual understanding of NS work and your felt sense of the work to begin to support your clients in the explicit context of their professional setting. You will receive a badge that allows you to promote and explicitly integrate your NSIF knowledge into your work publicly.

  • By the end of Level 3, you will be able to apply, shape, and reshape the work to support growth and stability in the areas of learning, change, growth, creativity, healing, advocacy, social justice, leadership, entrepreneurship, change and transitions, and beyond. You will also have achieved your official certification and be eligible for licensure.


Program Cost Paid in Full

  • $9,997

Most Popular Option + Greatest Savings:

  • Connection Call Savings*:

    • $7,997

  • Clarity Call Savings* 12 Month Payment Plan: 

    • $697/M

*When you book a Connection Call and enroll within 72 hours save $2,000 on your enrollment*

A 18-month payment program is available upon request, lowering your monthly payments to $467/M.

Enrolling in just Level 1 is also an option. Ask about details on your Connection Call. 

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“The REALITY was, every cell in my body needed the nervous system work, craved it, rejoiced in it, demanded it. That was the big surprise.


I did not realize how much I needed it. Not as a gift to give to others, but for my own health.


Being in a safe container with Anne and Chantill enabled me to melt into the work.


To feel successful AND unsuccessful and be safe in that duality of being curious and investigating within myself."

Jenny Jennings, Certified NSIF Graduate, 25-Year Pilates Studio Owner And Entrepreneur

Want to save your spot in the next NSIF Training?

We ONLY have room for EIGHT people in each cohort!

>> ONLY 3 spots left for our October 5th, 2024, Cohort <<

Level 1 training will start on October 5th, 2024.


Enrollment will be by application/interview only, and spots will be limited to keep the group small and intimate.


The first step is to schedule a complimentary Connection Call. We'll ask you about your goals and desires, and if we think The NSIF will help you get there, we may invite you to apply.


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