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How to optimize your business 

For maximum fulfillment, flexibility, and financial freedom, without burning it all to the ground and starting over.




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The 2-Week Private Membership

Book a Complimentary Clarity Call to Learn More!

Hey there embodied educators, coaches, healthcare providers, and small business owners…

We see what you’ve done with your passion for your work and expertise in your field.


You may not have a background in business, but you’ve built something damn successful…and you get to make money doing what you love.


Some would say you already have it all.


And yet…there’s a little voice in your head telling you…that you want something MORE.


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Maybe it’s saying that…


  • You’re ready to work a little bit less and make a LOT more money, so that you can spend more time with your kids and take REGULAR vacations without your laptop.

  • You want to OPTIMIZE your work schedule, so that you spend 80-90% of your time doing the work that REALLY moves the needle on your business, and let go of everything else.

  • Or that even though you love the field you’re in, the work you’ve been doing for years is leaving you a bit uninspired…and you’re ready to share your work more POWERFULLY, and with a wider audience.

  • There’s a book, a new offer, a new iteration or a new wing of your business burning a hole in your back pocket, but you don’t know HOW to build it into reality.

  • You don’t mind working hard in service to your own visions, but as you start to get older you know you’re not going to want to keep up your current schedule and workload forever. You want to set yourself up for LONG-TERM success and a satisfying retirement, and that starts NOW.

Sure, there are plenty of voices in our culture ready to tell you that you already have “enough,” so this new opportunity, or desire to go bigger…well, it can WAIT.


But WE are here to say…wait for WHAT?


Wait for you to get distracted and prioritize other things, and then spend so long NOT taking action that your bright, exciting idea starts to carry the weight of guilt, anxiety, and resentment? 


Wait for someone else to do it first??


Leader, you DO NOT have to settle for anything less than your most brilliant visions.


Because YOU are the designer of your business…and your LIFE.


And yes, you CAN turn the career you HAVE into an efficient, inspiring, flexible business that helps you maximize your time, your income, and your sense of meaning and fulfillment in the world.


And you can do it NOW.

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That’s EXACTLY what we’ll help you do in…

CATALYZE: The 2-Week Private Mentorship

How to optimize your business for maximum fulfillment, flexibility, and financial freedom, without burning it all to the ground and starting over.

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“When I started working with Anne + Chantill, I was mentally exhausted from trying to make the dollars work. I was looking for help shedding some light on what I was missing, and what else there could be for me on this career path.


Over the course of our mentorship, I’ve learned business acumen, and I’ve learned how to ACT on imperfect ideas rather than stay in my visionary headspace forever.


I’ve developed trainings, mentorships, and a product that have all helped me expand my business, seriously increase my income, and get re-inspired.


I almost can’t believe the money that’s coming in. I spent so long struggling paycheck-to-paycheck, I’m like, is this a reality?


By working in the knowledge economy and increasing my income while reducing the hours I have to work, I’ve created a future for myself, and I love my work again.”

- Melissa Clames

Melissa didn’t get these results overnight - she has been taking consistent, vision-aligned action for years now. 

But in Catalyze: The 2-Week Private Mentorship, we’ll help you create the roadmap that will catapult you to your next level


Here’s how:

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We’ll complete a business diagnostic and curriculum audit, to identify strengths, inefficiencies, weaknesses, and opportunities within your current offer suite and business model.

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Then we’ll offer a nervous system and business alignment assessment, to discover where you’re experiencing flow, where you’re experiencing blockages to your expansion, and what tools you need to get unstuck and move toward your vision.

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Together, we will design a six-month plan for value-aligned business growth that will bring more money AND more meaning into your life, and then support you as you take your first powerful action steps.

Here's exactly what you'll get:

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Pre-session Clarity Assessment + Intake: to help us get a better understanding of your business so that our time together is as efficient as possible.

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Monday-Thursday Voxer Access: Reach out via voice or text any time of the day or night during the 2-week container, and get DAILY coaching from us Monday-Thursday during out working hours, so that you get quick answers to your questions and continue to move the needle on your business.

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2-hour Deep Dive Call: This is when we’ll dive deep into what’s holding you back and the exact action steps you’ll need to take to move through these roadblocks.

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Body of Work Feedback + Review: Share your curricula, marketing content, offer suites, business strategy, or whatever it is you are working on and get iterative, in-the-moment, LINE-BY-LINE feedback on what you are creating throughout the entire 2-week container.

Hi, I’m Chantill Lopez

I believe that I can have it all, and so can you.


One day in my early twenties, my mentor, a teacher who I deeply admire, said to me: “You know you’ll never make money teaching Pilates, right?”


I didn’t have to give a single second's worth of thought to my response: “That’s not going to be me.”


Since then, I’ve been empowering others AND myself to NOT SETTLE for anything less than the lives we most want.

I’ve done it with:


  • My Pilates clients who thought they had to live with chronic pain.

  • My Pilates teacher mentees who thought they had to tolerate long hours, low pay, and working nights and weekends if they didn’t want to forget it all and get a corporate job.

  • The leaders and business owners I work with who think they have to sacrifice their physical, mental, and emotional health if they want to have an impact on the world.


Actually creating the business and the life of your own design is not easy - it takes strategy, it takes a willingness fail over and over, it takes a huge amount of support.


In my career-long journey to help others move beyond what they’ve been told is possible in their lives, I have…


  • Owned and run two Pilates studios

  • Founded and Co-hosted two podcasts: The Thinking Pilates Podcast + Embodied Business, Inspired Brain Podcast

  • Written and published the movement education book Moving Beyond Technique

  • Founded Skillful Teaching, a long-term online mentorship program for Pilates teachers

  • And of course, co-founded The Embodied Business Institute

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…and I’m Anne Bishop.

I’m a mentor, an entrepreneur, and an advocate for research-based practice - but above all else, I identify as an educator.


Since I was an elementary school student helping other kids in my math class with their homework, and other ballet students with their technique, I have always wanted to give people the skills they need to feel confident and be SEEN and HEARD.


Because we ALL deserve to be successful.

Over the course of my career, my passion for democratizing success has led me to…


  • Start teaching Pilates at 20 years old, and start my first business as a solopreneur at 21

  • Build a brick-and-mortar studio business where I mentored my team and trained Pilates teachers for 20 years

  • Pursue a Masters in Education from Harvard, where I studied brain-based approaches to embodiment and learning for adults

  • Found Brain Body Connect, an online business with a mission to connect folks working in the fields of cognitive and neuroscience research with movement teachers and practitioners


And now I’m bringing it to the life- and career-changing mentorship we offer at The Embodied Business Institute.

Our Embodied Builder’s Synergy

We each have a lot to offer.


But when we come together, something else happens.


The two of us have been working together for years, and we have a special synergy that you simply can’t get by working with either a single mentor or coach OR with two SEPARATE ones.


Yes, when you are a client in Catalyze, we talk about you!


Because when we do, we find ways to support you that neither of us would have imagined on our own.


This is the power of distributed cognition: wisdom that is not held within one human brain, but that we create together by combining our perspectives, our life experiences, and our knowledge.


And THAT is what you get to tap into when you step into the container of Catalyze.

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Let’s talk about your investment…

In the past, we’ve only ever worked privately with coaching and mentorship clients for a minimum commitment upwards of $10K.


And so we’re THRILLED to offer a select group of experienced, highly-motivated business owners, educators, and experts the opportunity to join this two-week private mentorship for only $3,497.


And you’ll walk away with a six-month plan to significantly increase your monthly income, while working FEWER hours - most of our clients start getting a return on their investment in less than three months, without having to hustle for it.


If you know in your bones that you’re ready to call in deep support to accelerate your business, the next step is to book a complimentary Clarity Call.


We’ll help you get crystal clear on your goals for your business and your life for the next six months. If we KNOW that Catalyze will help you get there, we may invite you to work with us.

The truth is, if you DON’T get the support you need to birth your big idea into 3D reality RIGHT NOW…

  • ​The HEAT you feel inside yourself to do the damn thing will start to dissipate. Then, life (we’re talking kids, partnerships, outside work, shifting responsibilities…) will inevitably get in the way.

  • Trends will change. Someone else will do it. Eventually, the window will close.

  • You’ll start to feel exhausted, frustrated and even resentful of your work…symptoms of burnout that have nothing to do with how many hours you’re working, and everything to do with a lack of deep, soul-level fulfillment.

  • A year from now, you’ll find yourself in the same place, whining about the same things, and trying hard to convince yourself that a “good enough” business and career will keep you satisfied for these last fifteen or twenty years until you retire.

David Lobenstine,
Licensed Massage Therapist and Continuing Education Course Creator

"Thanks so much, you two. Our call on Friday was far more eye-opening and goal-shaking than I anticipated. I really appreciate your time, and your willingness to think deeply with me and say the things that need to be said, even when I am hesitant about those things!"

That’s what David said to us in an email after his complimentary Catalyze Clarity Call.


And while we did share more about our offerings (and he DID end up working with us in Catalyze) we spent MOST of our time together diving deep into the specifics of his business: what’s working, what’s out of alignment, and what actions would move him most efficiently in the direction of his goals.


Bring your burning questions, your big ideas, and YES, your healthy skepticism.


We’ll put our heads together to help you think deeply about your deepest desires for your business and your life.


If we think Catalyze is the best fit to help you break through the barriers that are holding you back and actualize your next-level business, we’ll invite you to work with us.


Get on our calendars NOW..while the fire inside you is HOT!

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