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The Course PRofitability Blueprint

A Comprehensive System to Perfect Pricing, Marketing + Sales for Maximum Profitability and Time Freedom 

How to price, market, and sell your online course or coaching container for BUILT-IN PROFITS and CONSISTENT REVENUE ...


...even if pricing brings up your imposter syndrome and social media makes you want to hide.

So you’ve built a life-changing online course or coaching container to serve your dreamiest soulmate students.

But every time you try to LAUNCH your course, the launch process (or lack thereof) is a total struggle that sucks away your energy and motivation, PLUS you never seem to hit your enrollment or financial goals.


You know how you’re “supposed” to show up on social media to sell your course…and you may have even invested in a marketing course or two to learn.

But actually DOING it means facing your visibility fears and battling your perfectionism on the daily, plus it just takes so much TIME that after a week or two of hitting it hard you feel like you have to hide under a rock for a while.

You may have launched at a price you thought was “affordable” for your audience, and then resented your clients for how little you were actually getting paid.

Or maybe you took standard business coach advice to “go high-ticket” and then failed to actually enroll anyone.

What you REALLY need a strategic AND nervous system-informed SYSTEM to price, market and sell your courses with EASE…so you can stop pulling your hair out agonizing over your social media presence and build a profitable business that you LOVE


And that's EXACTLY what we'll teach you to do in...

Two women laughing at work

The Course Profitability Blueprint

A Comprehensive System to Perfect Pricing, Marketing + Sales for Maximum Profitability and Time Freedom 


>>We Start on April 9th, 2024 <<

Before I joined The ECC, I felt burned out and restless.


I had a full in-person schedule and happy clients, but no way to grow my business without working more hours (which I did NOT want to do).


I was giving away lots of content and information online for free, and I wanted to learn how to monetize it so that I could achieve time and location freedom!


I knew that in order to run a successful online Pilates business I’d need to learn new skills that  I couldn’t teach myself, just like when I went through Pilates teacher training, so I invested in support.


I don’t know if I’d have had the guts to build the program I did without Anne and Chantill’s support.


I launched my course right on schedule, during the 12-week ECC container, and got my first deposit the same month that I finished the program.


With that course and educational offers I created later using the ECC framework, I’ve made over six figures.


I now feel relaxed, trusting, and confident in my business and the work I do in the world."

Brittany, ECC Graduate

"My learning disability did not get in my way in this program at all. They teach you material in different ways so that it is more easily absorbed no matter how you learn best."

Julia, EBI Client + Creator of Moving Beyond Pain, Fear + Doubt

There's Proof in Numbers

  • Online courses created 

  • Growth-minded educators, coaches, and entrepreneurs enrolled

  • Live online, hours of coaching delivered (add another 10,000+ hours of pre-recorded curriculum!)

  • Revenue generated with Embodied Course Creation curriculum strategies

Here's how we'll help you get these kinds of results...

Building Your Embodied Business

By the end of this course,, you will have the business structures in place to SELL OUT a lucrative course or coaching container that sets your business up for LONG-TERM profitability - without working more hours or constantly hustling for new clients.
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The 3 Pillars of Building Your Embodied Business

1. Pricing for Profit

Know exactly what to price your educational offer for your specific market.  We’ll thread the needle for profitability, and a sell-out course. We’ll lean on pricing strategies that work for you and your clients.

2. Business Models

How to build a suite of offers that supports consistent cash flow by developing long-term relationships with your clients and integrating these offers into your current business ecosystem. 

3. Marketing + Sales

Selling and marketing transformative education is different. Learn how to market and sell those offers WITHOUT feeling sleazy or desperate.

Here's what you'll get inside the container:

  •  Access to The Embodied Course Creation Curriculum

7 modules made up of actionable video trainings and specific, targeted assignments designed to keep you moving towards launching your course.

  • Weekly Live Group Calls

So you can anchor yourself into a community that gives you a sense of connection and belonging...because you don't have to do it alone!  Calls are scheduled well in advance (and recorded) to optimize your planning. 

  • Ongoing Private and Personalized Curriculum Review

You’ll get ongoing review, feedback, and supportive questions from BOTH of your mentors as you continue to iterate on your curriculum, so you can be sure you’re designing as effectively as possible for transformation in your students.

  • Access to a private FB group just for Course Profitability Blueprint Members

To connect with your cohort AND your mentors, celebrate your wins, share resources, and ask questions.


We Welcome You!

  • This is an equal opportunity course that offers a supportive and inclusive place to learn. 

  • Everyone, no matter their age, gender, or nationality, can be successful in this program. 

Your Investment

To secure your spot in The Course Profitability Blueprint, all you need to put down is a $497 deposit.

After your deposit it's just 3 easy payments of $383 for the WHOLE program.

Or pay in full for $1497!

We will teach you to make this investment back many times over.

In fact, lots of our clients make their investments back before they even finish the course.

We start on April 9th...


So get on our calendars right now!!!

"Thanks so much, you two. Our call on Friday was far more eye-opening and goal-shaking than I anticipated.


“I really appreciate your time, and your willingness to think deeply with me and say the things that need to be said, even when I am hesitant about those things!"


-David Lobenstine, Licensed Massage Therapist and Continuing Education Course Creator


If you’re still reading, consider this your sign: it’s time to book a complimentary Clarity Call.


We’ll help you clarify your most pressing desires as the designer of your business and your life, and what aligned actions you’ll need to take to get them.


If we agree that The Course Profitability Blueprint will help you take steps towards your vision, we may invite you to join us this fall.


We are 100% committed to ONLY working with folks we KNOW we can help - so if we don’t think it’s the right fit right now, we’ll be happy to refer you to a colleague or to one of our other offers.

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