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Make Money And Meaning.

Design, build, and scale an embodied business that nurtures YOU and your clients by leveraging transformational learning experiences, creating diversified revenue streams and an optimized ecosystem of offers (WITHOUT sacrificing your health, values, or desires).

Two women holdng helmets in front of a mural

Welcome to
The Embodied Business Institute.

Helping entrepreneurs, educators + coaches leverage brain-based learning, the nervous system, and creative profit solutions to build more powerful and sustainable businesses. So making MONEY and MEANING (with ease) is possible at every stage.

Start HERE: Engagement Essentials

For growth-minded educators and coaches

Your 3-step guide to unleash the magic of community and belonging for effortless sales.

Woman in front of a plant store holding a small plant while smiling
Woman sitting on a couch smiling

You CAN have it all...

We are business and educational design experts and embodied entrepreneurs with more than 40 combined years of experience building transformative and hybrid business ecosystems that make money AND meaning. 

Start Here, if you are...

An EDUCATOR in the embodiment, health or wellness field who wants to make more money without sacrificing your wellbeing

The Embodied Course Creation Intensive

In this 2-part 16-week total curriculum design, you’ll get personalized support from TWO mentors to design an engaging, effective online course that SELLS, AND to develop the business model that will bring you the time, location, and financial freedom you desire.

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Start Here, if you are...

BUSINESS LEADER or ENTREPRENEUR who wants to incorporate embodied practices into a WHOLE-PERSON approach to business building

Catalyze: The 2-Week Intensive

two women at a table working

In this potent 2-week container, we’ll work with you privately to identify your business’s strengths, inefficiencies, and misalignments, discover where you’re blocked and what tools you need to move towards your visions, and make a 6-month plan for aligned business growth that will bring more money AND more meaning into your life.

Discover ALL the ways we can support you to design, build, and scale your transformational business…


The Embodied Business, Inspired Brain Podcast

Get ready to have your sexy nerd feathers ruffled by all the science, inspiration, big thinking, and lucrative business building you can handle. New episodes drop every other week.


Ask us your burning questions...

We read and respond PERSONALLY to every email!

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